Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lay - Z - Bloggin'

It's been a while since Queen DT (Delirum Tremors) and I have posted... it's because it's September, that busy time of year when summa is ovah and the work starts floodin in again. I've had a long day at work, and I'm too tired to think of witty comments and stories relvolving around Dos, so I'm going to borrow a post from one of my fave blogs DLISTED. This was posted a few days ago and its the hair makeover episode of Americas Next Top Stupid Mass Market Mediocre Model. Don't get me wrong, I love this show, and most of the losers have gone on to actually model for real agencies, but the winners usually suck and never go anywhere. Anywho, below is the youtube for said episode, and here are a few comments about it:

1. The whole prince valiant scene is retarted with a capital R. ps, its gross when tyra splooges apple juice out of her mouth.

2. Tyra a crack headed drag queen and shes extremely entertaining.

3. I love this show.

4. I hate my coworker and I hate her curly scraggle do, not to mention her face, personality, personal style, and first and last name. OOPS! thats not about the youtube! Oh wellzies!

Here are the do's, watch and discuss:

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