Thursday, October 14, 2010

Give me strength

I have a haircut appointment tomorrow after a few months of not cutting it. A part of me wants to chop this crap right off, and the other part of me is willing to go the long run and grow this mother f'er out.

I think I will feel better about this growing out process once I get a decent haircut.

So while I am looking up haircuts, I have to mention Miss Michelle Williams. Now I am the first to admit that when Michelle first entered my world on Dawson's Creek, I was so not into her. I didn't understand the appeal, and frankly I was like ew. Granted, I was young and foolish and generic Joey Potter seemed way cuter to me during that time.

Years later I realize how wrong I was. First things first, Let's do a Michelle Williams and Katie Holmes comparison in dos. Both had long, both chopped it off, but who did it better? Who has better style and better taste in men? I think we all know the answer. Miss Williams.

Besides anyone else seen this poster for the upcoming movie Blue Valentine with my fave male celeb Ryan Gosling?

Yea I am jealous of this girl to the max (minus the whole Heath Ledger thing).