Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Curl Confidence Like Woah

So it's been about 2 weeks since I have been to the gym, because I was moving, and cleaning, and busy with babies and weddings and stuff. In anycase, today I went to the gym this morning, which was clearly meant to be because the infomercial for Curl Confidence was on the entire time I was working out.

Here is a youtube on women who spend money getting their hair dried straight when they have naturally curly hair.

Here is a youtube on this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpeoylPCgSo Unfortunately it doesn't give me an option to embed.

The premise of this video is that they shock their friends who had no idea they had curly hair. I don't know how shocked I would be this day and age, that someone was blow drying their hair straight. These women are like "Oh my god Cathy I can't believe you got this curly hair". Mind you, its not like their hair is luxurious, it looks like they just rolled out of bed and did a wet crinkle curl (one of my most hated looks), and stepped out of the house. I wouldn't be so in love with their crinkle cut hairdos.

Here is an example of a before and after:

Now I don't know, I kind of like fro-ish hair - I hate wet curls. I feel like its effortless, like you throw some product in your hair and let it air dry. I just don't like any hair that looks like it's crunchy.

Now, if someone can show me a product, that will make my straight hair curl, that is something I would be interested in.

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