I'm sure many of you readers will see this post and say to yourselves: Duh! But I thought I would post anyway for all those moms, dads, or even twenty-somethings who were reared on White Rain hair care products. DO NOT USE THESE PRODUCTS! White Rain may seem like the cheap smart choice, readily available at any convinience store, harmons, or rite aid across the grand o'l U.S.A. But heed my warning folks, use this product for more than a week and your hair will surely look like absolute shit. It makes most hair look a strange combo of dry, and greasy at the same time. I suggest upgrading to Pantine Pro V. It's only a few more dollars, it comes in bulk quantities, and is a true value for your dollar that won't leave you gasping in the mirror when you view your wack locks. If you must be cheap with any product, let it be hairspray. This old styling spritz is basically spray on glue (duh) so use sparingly. I often use White Rain hairspray to keep annoying baby hairs out of my face. I suggest that you use it for only this purpose, or maybe even taming a small flyaway, but nothing more. Next time you go to the drug store and are thinking about purchasing White Rain Shampoo or Conditioner, remind yourself that even though it seems like a cheap deal, you are using a poduct thats named after CUM. And we all know how cum looks in hair. Thinkaboutit.
Your Horoscope This Week: March 9 To 15
3 hours ago
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