That's right, its a dread locked mullet. As I've said before dreads on anyone other than Jamaicans / rastas are horrible. The ultimate hair don't. Now picture a short spikey do, but dreaded only in the back, starting from the top crown of the head and cascading gross turd dreads going down to the shoulders.
I'm not sure exactly who these men are or why they chose this horrid do. Unfortunately I did not have my camera to capture the look, and I was in such shock in seeing these barf inducing do's that I couldn't even focus enough to snap a picture. I do know that one man was sort of an acid burn out in front of port authority, but he was definitely not a bum. He seemed like an ex-neu-hippie from Wisconsin who was inbetween states, waiting for his next bus to wherever-the-hell. Suspect two was a teenage European boy outside of the mac store on 60th street. (Tourist heaven, fashion hell).
You may think this quasi-boring story has come to a close, but it's not done yet my friend. In euro dread mullet of teenage boy, were silver ring dread jewels. So not only do you have the worlds most obviously disgusting do, you highlight it with tribal dread jewels.
You'll have to exuse me but I have to cut this entry short. I just barfed all over my ibook from 2004.
Dreads... don't do it.
Sidenote: Jane Child is a disgusting bitch.

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