Dear Suze Orman,
I hope you are "DO"ing well. I love your show, your sassy persona, and your great financial advice. What I don't love however, is, you guessed it, your do. Why do you choose this as your quaf of choice? It does nothing for you and if you'll note the previous post on Ms. Sally Jessie, you'll clearly realize what a typical mom do it is. I understand you are a lesbian, and you want a no-nonsense easy to maintain, possibly cheap and economic do... but hair is nothing to be thrifty about. It's a frame for your face and this particular do is a bad frame for yours. I suggest growing it out chin length and into a blunt bob with bang. If you must have a shorter do try emulating the modernized version of this do a-la Jenny McCarthy or even Vickie Becks. I personally hate Vicki's do but it would be a great improvement to your current parted mall mom sensible look. We love you Suze. Help us love you more by getting a new do.
Do Talkin'
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