I just wanted to post this youtube because I love this song. So much in fact, that I actually used to sing it all the time in 4th grade (1989, and yes I actually did always sing it to my classmates). SCULPT YOUR HAIR, ANYWAY YOU LIKE IT! I'm glad that my classmates of '89 were nice enough to not ridicule me for being obsessed with this song, and actually thought it was funny when I sang it... thanks Jamie Carsillo. (Of course a 10 year old Italian guidette from Jersey would love this song). Anyway, enjoy the do's the tunes, and the moves... what? A poet I am not, but a lover of this video I am.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I Want My Mommy... and here's why:
Something really weird is going on. There must be something in the air, because twice in one week I saw the worlds worst hybrid haircut on two different men, at two different times. Picture the two worst looks for white men, and combine the two.
That's right, its a dread locked mullet. As I've said before dreads on anyone other than Jamaicans / rastas are horrible. The ultimate hair don't. Now picture a short spikey do, but dreaded only in the back, starting from the top crown of the head and cascading gross turd dreads going down to the shoulders.
I'm not sure exactly who these men are or why they chose this horrid do. Unfortunately I did not have my camera to capture the look, and I was in such shock in seeing these barf inducing do's that I couldn't even focus enough to snap a picture. I do know that one man was sort of an acid burn out in front of port authority, but he was definitely not a bum. He seemed like an ex-neu-hippie from Wisconsin who was inbetween states, waiting for his next bus to wherever-the-hell. Suspect two was a teenage European boy outside of the mac store on 60th street. (Tourist heaven, fashion hell).
You may think this quasi-boring story has come to a close, but it's not done yet my friend. In euro dread mullet of teenage boy, were silver ring dread jewels. So not only do you have the worlds most obviously disgusting do, you highlight it with tribal dread jewels.
You'll have to exuse me but I have to cut this entry short. I just barfed all over my ibook from 2004.
Dreads... don't do it.
Sidenote: Jane Child is a disgusting bitch.
That's right, its a dread locked mullet. As I've said before dreads on anyone other than Jamaicans / rastas are horrible. The ultimate hair don't. Now picture a short spikey do, but dreaded only in the back, starting from the top crown of the head and cascading gross turd dreads going down to the shoulders.
I'm not sure exactly who these men are or why they chose this horrid do. Unfortunately I did not have my camera to capture the look, and I was in such shock in seeing these barf inducing do's that I couldn't even focus enough to snap a picture. I do know that one man was sort of an acid burn out in front of port authority, but he was definitely not a bum. He seemed like an ex-neu-hippie from Wisconsin who was inbetween states, waiting for his next bus to wherever-the-hell. Suspect two was a teenage European boy outside of the mac store on 60th street. (Tourist heaven, fashion hell).
You may think this quasi-boring story has come to a close, but it's not done yet my friend. In euro dread mullet of teenage boy, were silver ring dread jewels. So not only do you have the worlds most obviously disgusting do, you highlight it with tribal dread jewels.
You'll have to exuse me but I have to cut this entry short. I just barfed all over my ibook from 2004.
Dreads... don't do it.
Sidenote: Jane Child is a disgusting bitch.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Mousse? Yes mousse
My closest friends know that I use mousse and embrace it because I have limp, fine, thin hair and frankly I want some volume. There's definitely people who still use mousse and they use it for the same reason I do. Sounds 80s or 90s or whatever, but it gets the job done.
I got this great mousse from my hairdresser from a line called Enjoy. But one day after I used it at the gym, I came home and the container was completely empty. I have no clue how it happened, but I was at a loss, as I knew I was not going to my hair dresser's anytime soon.
So I did what most people do, and go to my local CVS to find a substitute. It was about 7am and I saw a sale (I can't pass up a sale). It was buy one get one free of Christophe hair products. The bottle looked nice and about as fancy as you can get with CVS products. I had not heard anything about this product, but figure I would try the thickening spray and since I had another option, I would try the volumizing mousse.
So I bring it up the register and the woman at the counter was arguing with me that it wasn't buy one get one free so I showed her thats what the sign said. She left the register and started ripping off every sticker one by one and making a big stink about it and frankly it was too early in the morning for me to give a shit, so I stood there as me and the man behind me laughed about how ridiculous it was. In the end I got my discount. Why am I telling you all this useless knowledge? Well I just want you to get the feel of the struggle I had getting the product and now here is my review.
The thickening spray is good not great. The rusk thick is way better. The mousse is awful. I only use a small amount, and it makes my hair look like a greasy mess. I don't understand how it is supposed to do anything great for hair. Is it possible I am not using it correctly? I guess anything is possible, but I have been investing in mousse since my first perm, and I think I know the proper way my hair should look. In anyway, here's a visual of the bottle to show how looks can be deceiving.
I got this great mousse from my hairdresser from a line called Enjoy. But one day after I used it at the gym, I came home and the container was completely empty. I have no clue how it happened, but I was at a loss, as I knew I was not going to my hair dresser's anytime soon.
So I did what most people do, and go to my local CVS to find a substitute. It was about 7am and I saw a sale (I can't pass up a sale). It was buy one get one free of Christophe hair products. The bottle looked nice and about as fancy as you can get with CVS products. I had not heard anything about this product, but figure I would try the thickening spray and since I had another option, I would try the volumizing mousse.
So I bring it up the register and the woman at the counter was arguing with me that it wasn't buy one get one free so I showed her thats what the sign said. She left the register and started ripping off every sticker one by one and making a big stink about it and frankly it was too early in the morning for me to give a shit, so I stood there as me and the man behind me laughed about how ridiculous it was. In the end I got my discount. Why am I telling you all this useless knowledge? Well I just want you to get the feel of the struggle I had getting the product and now here is my review.
The thickening spray is good not great. The rusk thick is way better. The mousse is awful. I only use a small amount, and it makes my hair look like a greasy mess. I don't understand how it is supposed to do anything great for hair. Is it possible I am not using it correctly? I guess anything is possible, but I have been investing in mousse since my first perm, and I think I know the proper way my hair should look. In anyway, here's a visual of the bottle to show how looks can be deceiving.

You Old Thing You
So I do not have a visual yet, but today, as I was driving to work, there was this old lady who I have seen before several times, stylin' to the max.
She looks about 102, and everytime I see her, she is decked out. Today, she had on this argyle sweater with a thin gold belt around the waist, black pants (not sure what kind of shoes), and the craziest hair piece I have seen in quite some time.
Her hair was pulled back into a bun of some sort, and there was a clip holding everything together. The clip looked like a giant blue plastic loofah. It was like this crazy bright poof sticking out from the back of her head. As she walked passed me going about -0.2 miles per hour, I struggled to find my phone to capture the moment.
Now that I have been reminded of her, I am definitely taking that route to work from now on until I can hopefully capture what I saw today. Stay tuned...
She looks about 102, and everytime I see her, she is decked out. Today, she had on this argyle sweater with a thin gold belt around the waist, black pants (not sure what kind of shoes), and the craziest hair piece I have seen in quite some time.
Her hair was pulled back into a bun of some sort, and there was a clip holding everything together. The clip looked like a giant blue plastic loofah. It was like this crazy bright poof sticking out from the back of her head. As she walked passed me going about -0.2 miles per hour, I struggled to find my phone to capture the moment.
Now that I have been reminded of her, I am definitely taking that route to work from now on until I can hopefully capture what I saw today. Stay tuned...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Degrassi High (Original)

I had to post about Degrassi because it was just a show I loved growing up. The above picture as you all know is Spike. Spike was pretty much awesome and ended up getting pregnant on the show and having the baby. Looking back on her do, it is sooo wack to the max. I guess it suited her character, plus she had an awesome nickname, but her hair only got better when she got into high school and started bleaching her hair and grew it out a bit. This was her middle school look, and clearly it took them a few years to get it right.
The below video is The Zit Remedy, which was Joey Jeremiah's band. I will let the video, the hairdos, and the fashion speak for itself. (and yea I still love this song).
Scrunchie Spottin'
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Blissin' On This Ultra-Vibe
You know what? Don't even try it. Don't even try to tell me about your sisters hair in the 80's or your moms hair in the 80's, or your own hair in the 80's, because all that flies out the window when you see Ms. Champagne Kings poodle poof pyramid do in this fine fine jazzy jam:
Don't even try it!
Don't even try it!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Brenda, my hero
This is one of my favorite Beverly Hills 90210 episodes, and it fully relates to the dotalkin' site. I think one of my favorite parts of this is when Brenda goes jogging in this awesome 90s sports bra, short shorts, and whig whams. Brenda realizes she looked better as a brunette and stopped trying to look like Kelly Taylor to impress Dylan. Because as we all know Brenda got him anyway. There's nothing wrong with being natural ladies, nothing at all. PS - there is no better fantasy hairdo than in this clip
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
International Male
Seeing the video that Vavoom! posted reminded me that there was a link that I wanted to post from one of my favorite websites - jezebel.com
Thanks jezebel for finding this and putting online for my enjoyment.
Thanks jezebel for finding this and putting online for my enjoyment.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I call her Red, yea yea yea

The first time I saw Lauren Ambrose, it was in the movie Can't Hardly Wait. I couldn't understand why she had this awful hair and couldn't see her as being attractive in anyway. You will see in this photo, this is her in the movie. It is a semi-mullet and actually in this photo, it doesn't look as bad as during some other scenes in the movie. Particularly with this long black leather coat she was required to wear.
Now looking at this photo, I see that her hair color was actually very pretty and when I finally saw her again in Six Feet Under, I started longing to dye my hair back to red, grow it long, and have pretty natural waves.
As you can see in this next photo, her hair is so nice and pretty, and the fear of going back to red, and not having it look this good, has prevented me from just going for it.

Crimpin' looks Pimpin'

One of our only comments asked for a section on crimping. You will notice Fergie on the left with a mild version of crimping. Yea it looks like shit, of course, but when I think of this do, I do not think of Fergie.
I think more along the lines of me in the 80s and thinking I should get a crimper. In fact, I did a ghetto version of the crimper (there is one??) which is braiding your hair in several spots to achieve such look. And I have to say, I loved my hair when it looked like that. But that was all too early in my childhood, and as I explained before, I had a mullet.
And you know, I know crimping looks bad, but after a while, when you run out of things to do, you try to get a new look, and it 9 times out of 10 doesn't look hot. So maybe go out with your crimped hair, not to look hot per se, but just to see the reaction on people's faces.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Personal Hair Trauma

When I turned 8 years old, I was in 3rd grade, and had a mullet. Maybe it was because I was in love with Joe Elliott from Def Leppard...maybe because I thought I had awesome style, who knows. In either case, the situation only got worse when I entered 4th grade and decided to perm that mullet. I do not know what I was thinking. I looked at pictures later in life and asked my mother how she let me go out like that. She said its because it was what I wanted. "Sometimes you say no, mom" is what I told her. Fine it was the late 80s and for some reason my confidence level as a child was higher than anyone I know.
I was chunky, had a huge head, stomach, and this mullet. There's something to say for confidence though, not one person questioned my hairdo, and I would even start giving tips to my friend, because I thought her naturally perfect long blonde hair with bangs needed some 'Umph'.
So I am unsure of what my advice to mothers would be. Tell your daughter no with her choices, or let her make her own mistakes so she can learn from it. I say that she probably will not get a mullet, but if she wants to rebel with some wacky hair, let her, because sooner or later she will grow out of it and wonder what she was thinking.
White Rain: A Thrifty Mistake
I'm sure many of you readers will see this post and say to yourselves: Duh! But I thought I would post anyway for all those moms, dads, or even twenty-somethings who were reared on White Rain hair care products. DO NOT USE THESE PRODUCTS! White Rain may seem like the cheap smart choice, readily available at any convinience store, harmons, or rite aid across the grand o'l U.S.A. But heed my warning folks, use this product for more than a week and your hair will surely look like absolute shit. It makes most hair look a strange combo of dry, and greasy at the same time. I suggest upgrading to Pantine Pro V. It's only a few more dollars, it comes in bulk quantities, and is a true value for your dollar that won't leave you gasping in the mirror when you view your wack locks. If you must be cheap with any product, let it be hairspray. This old styling spritz is basically spray on glue (duh) so use sparingly. I often use White Rain hairspray to keep annoying baby hairs out of my face. I suggest that you use it for only this purpose, or maybe even taming a small flyaway, but nothing more. Next time you go to the drug store and are thinking about purchasing White Rain Shampoo or Conditioner, remind yourself that even though it seems like a cheap deal, you are using a poduct thats named after CUM. And we all know how cum looks in hair. Thinkaboutit.
Scrunchie Spottin'

A girl I work with told me she would never give up her scrunchie, and I feel like she's not the only one. So let the search begin...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Birthday celebration
Quick post saying Happy Birthday to Vavoom! A man who's come a long way with his do choices as well as mine. Congrats on looking super fly all the time.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Just Sayin'
Dear Suze Orman,
I hope you are "DO"ing well. I love your show, your sassy persona, and your great financial advice. What I don't love however, is, you guessed it, your do. Why do you choose this as your quaf of choice? It does nothing for you and if you'll note the previous post on Ms. Sally Jessie, you'll clearly realize what a typical mom do it is. I understand you are a lesbian, and you want a no-nonsense easy to maintain, possibly cheap and economic do... but hair is nothing to be thrifty about. It's a frame for your face and this particular do is a bad frame for yours. I suggest growing it out chin length and into a blunt bob with bang. If you must have a shorter do try emulating the modernized version of this do a-la Jenny McCarthy or even Vickie Becks. I personally hate Vicki's do but it would be a great improvement to your current parted mall mom sensible look. We love you Suze. Help us love you more by getting a new do.
Do Talkin'
Sally Jesse

I am not going to lie. I have always been a fan of Sally Jesse Raphael. She maybe didn't have the craziest shows ever. But I always found them entertaining. Plus her signature red hair and matching red rimmed glasses really did suit her. Many of you may look at this photo and just think "typical mom do" - but I feel if anyone could sport this, and still look decent, it was Sally Jesse. However, this do should not be on any other woman. It isn't a good do. Its a curling iron catastrophe mixed with Aqua Net hairspray and maybe an Aussie 3 minute mud mask. What I ask you women who are aging, is to find a short do that suits you, but doesn't age you as this surely will.
I am not saying I am against short hair. I am all for short hair. But I find that after many mom's reach a certain age, they just cut it all off and add a big poof. I don't understand this concept and I do not want to understand it. Question your stylist when you want a new look, and if she/he suggests this, please find a new one.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Jim Sturgess

Ever since I saw Jim Sturgess in Across the Universe, I can't help but miss how every man I found attractive, looked like he did in that movie, only what seems like a few years ago.
Now most men have the unwashed, bearded look that has become the staple for men these days. Not saying I am against it totally, but he woke a feeling in me that has long seemed to pass.
Now I guess my point is to only comment on his hair, but every aspect of this man is perfect, that he really deserves a mention on the entire look.
I don't really have any other words for him, other than job well done, Mr. Sturgess.
Welcome to Do Talkin'
Over the years, I have noticed my obsession with talking about people's hairdos. Maybe its the fact that my hair was so horrible as a child, and even though I have overcome that era in my life, I feel the need to constantly talk about good hair, bad hair, and extreme hairdo makeovers.
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