It's almost the end of the year and I just turned 34 a couple of weeks ago. I must say so far it is the best year ever. I mentally got rid of some baggage, I turned on the positive vibes, and stuff has been happening. I've wasted enough of my years on man boys, bad thoughts, and just general blah-ness. A boy just recently sent me a Pee-Wee Herman video to express his feelings towards me. Need I say more? I don't.
In any case, it's got me thinking about my own do and what to do next. My heart of hearts wants to go platinum blonde and chop it off. I just have not been able to do it. I did play dress up and wear a wig and it felt right, almost too right. I want to look like I just stepped out of another era and wish that was my job to just play dress up. How do I transfer my inner self to corporate life? I don't know. I do it, but kind of just want to be a little wilder, but I guess I am getting old, and I'd rather look hot than not. I spent many of my early years experimenting with my look…short hair, knee highs, ill-fitting vintage clothing (you get the drift and you may have been there)and I wasn't getting many dates from those years. Where am I going with this? Well below is an example of how I see my glamorous self. My rant and rave is all for showing myself in a wig with all items that I currently own and loving it.

Love and Rockets,
Queen DT
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