Its spring, and my do is unruly. I'm broke and need a haircut because I'm starting a new job, but im lazy and don't have money to blow on a nice do. My initial impulse is to say FUNK IT, and just shave it all off with a buzzer. Too bad when I shave it I look like i was just released from a psych ward. My head shape is funky so I need a little length... longer than what the buzzer can do.
It's times like these when i say: WISHIHADDAFLOWBEE

If I had a flow bee I could just put that shiz on 2 inches, suck-cut all around evenly and call it a day. Even if the do came out horrible I could still have 2 inches of hair for the stylist to work with in an emergency situation.
For more information on this fine and forgotten product visit WWW.FLOWBEE.COM
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