First up is this fine young gentleman.

This is a toughy. While I am anti-mullet, it could be like a Ghost World situation where the guy with the mullet was totally hilarious and amazing. What if I met this guy, and he was the coolest person on earth? I mean I don't know where this man is living, but I am assuming it is not around here. It takes confidence to rock this look. Either that or him and all of his friends look like this.
You have to really like a mullet to make it this severe and bleached blonde no less (from what I can tell since it is a black and white picture).
That being said, LBH, I hate it. Plain and simple and to the point. It is the anti-arousal haircut. Thats what I am calling the mullet from now on.
Next up is probably a pretty well known photo that has been on email blasts. If you haven't seen it, it involves a pretty good laugh none the less.

Anyone that does that to their child's hair needs mental help. I hope this was just a picture just for the fun of it and not a serious photo. Although lets be honest, when I was younger I did have a do similar to this. That's what happened when you are a child in the 80s and your parents let you have your own look. I should have been restricted in some way. Mine was more of a feathered mullet though.
This is making me think of doing a best of and worst of 2009 list for hairdos. I have time before the end of the year. I like this idea. BTW after reading some past entries, I think I really am going to be topsy tail for Halloween. If I am I will definitely post some pictures.
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