Why do I like Halloween? I don't know really, just like dressing up as someone else for a night I suppose. I am not into those sexy halloween costumes, no thanks, I'd rather be something hilarious.
Well in honor of my favorite holiday, let's take a look at some halloween wigs that are for sale as I was looking for my perfect wig for my look (Topsy Tail).
First up, yes you've guessed it. The Kate Gosselin Wig:

The actual hairdo and wig are pretty dead on I have to say. I wonder how many of those I will see Saturday night.
While looking for my wig, I stumbled upon this beauty. This is called the Blonde Seduction Wig (comes in brunette and black as well).

What makes this a seduction wig? That's my question. I don't know any woman that actually has this hairdo or any man that is seduced by this head of hair. Looks more like Brenda Walsh's fantasy do than anything (see past entry for fantasy do).
Here is a blonde mullet do. Ummmmmmm this more looks like an elvis do with some long strands attached. I don't get it. If it got rid of the chops and maybe shortened the poof, maybe? From far away I thought this was something from the Rennaissance era.

Lastly, I think this is the wig of choice for my Topsy Tail Costume. It looks like I could easily put this in a topsy tail do and it has the weird bangs too. This is called the 80s soap opera wig:

If anyone has any suggestions on something that would work better, please let me know. I am open to all!