Whether you like it or not, hair is going to make or break your look. The world as a whole automatically judges you on appearance whether you want to accept it or not. Having appearance issues throughout my life, my hair is the one thing I can really always control, whether it turns out good or bad. Perhaps that is how my obsession with hair started. Maybe it would have made sense for me to become a hair dresser or something, but alas, that is something that never really occurred to me.
So going out week after week after week, and testing products on my hair, reducing humidity, trying to get out my wave, trying to control my annoying cowlick, I start to wonder, does anyone really give a shit about what this looks like other than me?
I knew if it was a weird haircut or if it looked bad or whatever, I am sure friends and family would try to do something about it, but if its a normal haircut, but has a funky wave, or my bangs are laying right, who's really going to know other than me.
I guess I could take comfort in the fact that I care about it more than anyone else, but I still will obsess over it. The part that is really troubling, is when someone who has really long ratty unbrushed hair, attracts more men in a week than I would have in my lifetime. Or since eyebrows are made of hair, someone who plucks the crap out of them so they are 4 inches apart from each other - fine I was guilty of that once when i was 17, but I have learned from my mistakes.
I am having a bitter evening. I am tired, hungover, and sick of caring about my appearance. Nothing but air dried barely brushed hair from now on. Time to experiment.
Your Horoscope This Week: March 9 To 15
3 hours ago
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