First up Carmen - I actually like Carmens do - I feel like it suits her - and while I would never have my hair look like that, shes pretty so she get's away with it.
Chris - its hard for me not to factor in personality when I have watched the show since it began. I like Chris - hes a gay happy ol' chap and while I hate goatees, i don't necessarily hate it on him.
Christian - he really was a great designer which is why he won - but I cannot deal with his do - I hate it to the max - Its like fine, I get it, you are gay and fabulous, but that do? Seriously? Come on.
Elisa - she was an annoying hippie - and frankly this picture is probably the best her hair has ever looked in her life - but I do not recall it looking like this on the show
Jack - I liked Jack - it was sad when he had to leave the show early because he got sick - but his do is fine. Its regular - it doesn't really bother me - and it suits his personality
Jillian - I always liked curly hair - and definitely these curls are nice - theres not a whole lot you can do with really curly hair as far as a cut - and I like this cut on her - its cute and the curls are nice and big
Kit - I like Kit's bleached blonde do - mostly because I always wish I could dye my hair like that and not want to crawl under a desk because of how horrible the coloring would be with my skintone - plus she reminds me of Spike from Degrassi
Kevin - Kevin has the worst facial hair ever - I hated looking at it on the show, and I am being reminded again of how much I hate it. I can't even get passed it to comment on the spikes coming up everywhere
Marion - hes got a hat on - and frankly I do not recall what his hair looked like on the show.
Rami - Hes going bald and I think its a smart move to just shave it short - thats what I would do if it was balding
Ricky - Ricky cried alot on the show - and he always wore hats - so theres not much to say about him
Simone - I do not remember Simone at all - did she get kicked off first?? Her hair doesnt look that bad, but I hate her pose here.
Steven - I liked Steven - he has the same look as Rami - and yes good call Steven
Sweet P - She was cute and nice - and my only suggestion to sweet p was to cut her hair a bit - its not bad, but I think she would look better with a shorter do - the bangs are cute on her though
Victorya - Shes got that nice perfect asian hair - but you know what? She was super annoying and therefore I am over your perfect shiny hair.
I guess I am in a hating mood tonight - oh well - sorry season 4
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