In other news, I have no money. But I spend like I have tons. So what has been lacking in my attempt to look decent, is that I have been cutting my own bangs for the past few months.
I actually think I have perfected the at home bang trim as I have been doing it for years, however, it can only get so good, before I cut too much and look stupid. Step one is to actually get normal hair cutting scissors. Do not use the scissors you would use to cut up some construction paper. It doesn't work. Also make sure your hair is dry when doing this as if you do it while it is wet, you will cut it too short. I basically just try to follow the line in which my hair dresser cut last.
I didn't want to spend 15 dollars to get a bang trim. I mean that's just ridiculous. My hair is getting long, and my social experiment isn't really going according to plan. Definitely don't cut your hair while drinking 2001 wine. Shit will f up your hair royally.
The girl downstairs also never changes out of her pajamas and her hair is in a pony tail all day everyday. Is this what happens when you live with your boyfriend? Just look like insane everyday with your weird pajama pants? If being single means I won't be leaving the house in monkey head pajama pants, then its sounding better to me everyday.
For my ladies out there, here is one head of hair I'd like to take home. Well really just the body attached. and the face.

I am moving to France. Someone please teach me French. Thanks.